Invitation Letter to the 30th World Conference
Attendees who need a Letter of Invitation for the visa application or for administrative procedures can request through the following form, click here.
In order for us to send it to you, you must send us your visa letter request along with the following documentation:
- Copy of your passport*
- Expected date of entry into the country / Expected date of departure from the country
- Attach a copy of the reservation at the conference.
- Conference reservation number (Invitations will only be accepted and processed for paid registrations)
- Country and current residence address
(*) You must be in possession of a valid passport to enter Spain. Your passport must be valid for a minimum period of six months from the date of entry into Spain.
Invitation letters will be offered in English, French and Spanish.
Delivery deadline
- The deadline for submitting applications is June 30, 2024. No letters will be processed after that date.
Important to keep in mind
The costs related to the preparation and processing of the visa must be paid and contracted directly with the embassies, consulates or specialized agencies. The 30WConf Host Committee does not offer the coordination service with embassies and consulates, it only offers the service of preparing an invitation letter to the congress.
The 30Wconf Host Committee reserves the right of admission to the conference, in the event of detecting false applications. The relevant authorities will be informed of these requests.
The invitation letters will be signed by the technical secretariat of the conference. Not by the board of directors or committee members.
The processing of the invitation letter will only be carried out using the form prepared for this purpose and individually, in no case will group invitation letters be offered.
The letter will only be sent in PDF format. In the case of modifying the original document, the 30Wconf Host Committee reserves the right to inform the relevant authorities.
List of countries that require a visa to enter Spain
Citizens of the following countries need a visa to travel to Spain, requesting it at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation:
Afganistán | Congo | Jordania | Nepal | Sudán |
Albania | Corea del Norte | Kazajstán | Niger | Surinam |
Angola | Costa de Marfil | Kenia | Nigeria | Suazilandia |
Arabia Saudí; | Cuba | Kirguistán | Omán | Tailandia |
Algeria | Yibuti | Kiribati | Pakistán | Tanzania |
Armenia | Ecuador | Kuwait | Palau | Tayikistán |
Azerbaiyán | Egipto | Laos | Papua Nueva Guinea | Timor Oriental |
Bahrain | Emiratos Árabes Unidos | Lesoto | Perú | Togo |
Bangladesh | Eritrea | Líbano | Qatar | Tonga |
Belorussia | Etiopía | Liberia | Rep.Centro Africana | Trinidad |
Belice | Filipinas | Libya | Rp. Dem. del Congo | Tobago |
Benin | Fiji | Madagascar | Rep. Dominicana | Túnez |
Bután | Gabón | Malawi | Rusia | Turkmenistán |
Birmania | Gambia | Maldivas | Ruanda | Turquía |
Bolivia | Georgia | Mali | Islas Salomon | Tuvalu |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | Ghana | Islas Marianas del Norte | Samoa | Ucrania |
Botsuana | Granada Guinea | Marruecos | San Vicente y Granadinas | Uganda |
Burkina Faso | Guinea Bissau | Islas Marshall | Santa Lucía | Uzbekistán |
Burundi | Guinea Ecuatorial | Mauritania | Santo Tomás y Príncipe | Vanuatu |
Cabo Verde | Guyana | Micronesia | Senegal | Vietnam |
Camboya | Haití | Moldavia | Serbia | Yemen |
Camerún | India | Mongolia | Sierra Leona | Zambia |
Chad | Indonesia | Montenegro | Siria | Zimbabue |
China | Irán | Mozambique | Somalia | ex. Rp. Yug. De macedonia |
Colombia | Iraq | Namibia | Sri Lanka | |
Comoras | Jamaica | Nauru | Sudáfrica |
The list presented by the 30WConf Host Committee is merely informative. Consult your Ministry of Foreign Affairs to analyze the requirements to access Spain.